Creating Possibilities through Leadership

Coach - Consultant - Programme Designer

Helen works collaboratively with leaders enabling them to be more resourceful and take effective action.


Cultivate professional curiosity

Understanding Success

Develop a clear understanding of where they are successful

Leadership Value

Increase leadership value and impact

Helen designs bespoke programmes drawing from a range of approaches and resources. Building authentic relationships and leading with courage and compassion lie at the heart of her practice.


Helen provides courses that respond to the issues you’re facing and the opportunities you want to create. She helps organisations develop a clear understanding of how and why adding leadership value enables us to grow, and lead the development of others.

Leadership is about constantly and consistently enabling those around us to be the best version of themselves. It’s about reducing barriers to reaching optimal performance and potential. Every decision is about what’s best for the team and the outcomes you’re responsible for. 

Essential Skills for Leadership Impact is an online course created for new and experienced leaders to develop leadership skills and practices, adding leadership value in their everyday work. Backed by research, these practices impact positively on the learning, growth and productivity of teams, enhancing relationships and performance. As leaders grow in confidence and competence we:

  • Build effective leadership knowledge, skills and practice
  • Develop team relationships
  • Improve wellbeing

What is Leadership Value?

As leaders our role is to add value to the organisation every day, focussing on high impact activities. Doing this well requires:

  • Self-awareness and adaptability
  • Interpersonal skills so we can build collaboration, develop others and hold them to account
  • Problem solving skills, identifying barriers to progress and leading improvement

By adding value we enable those who work with us to improve their effectiveness, impacting positively on the organisation's vision and goals.

Leadership coaching including 360 diagnostics, leadership learning and team consultancy are all ways we can support you in your journey. Please do book a call to find out more and chat with me!

Essential Skills for Leadership Impact



Drawing from a range of approaches and resources to design team leadership development programmes.

  • Adapting
    Developing self-awareness
  • Skills
    Actively listening, building clarity, and learning to pause
  • Culture 
    Creating a sense of belonging
  • Approaches
    Explicitly connecting with goals and reflecting back
  • Content
    9 Modules including videos, downloadable slides, workbooks and linked reading/resources for you to use with your teams
  • Lifetime
    Get lifetime access to the online training course after signing up, available to view any place, any time, at your convenience

Recent Clients


"As an SLT, we noticed the Leadership programme generated a great deal of interest and discussions in the staff room. Colleagues are sharing and recommending books and articles on leadership and informal networks of peer support have emerged to have open and curious discussions. It is wonderful to see a wider range of colleagues taking pride in leading projects and enjoying the professional satisfaction of
that challenge." 

Helen Brandon
 Deputy HT Bolton School


‘’The integrity and professionalism Helen stands for helps everyone deliver at a higher level. It has clearly helped her develop an impeccable reputation over the years, which along with her excellent knowledge of the Education system and of Safeguarding procedures, has helped us forge valuable partnerships with both schools and teachers.’’

Oren Cohen 
CCO Zen Educate


"Helen was my first choice when I needed an expert facilitator to help us really deeply think through scenarios that would lead to a big management of change project that had major importance for our future direction of travel. I knew from previous experience of working with her that she had the perfect skill set to do this well."

Professor Samantha Twiselton, OBE  

Director of Sheffield Institute of Education

Roadmap Your Life After Headship...

The Beyond Headship programme has been developed by Helen Woodward for headteachers and school leaders ready to explore new ideas and possibilities, seeking their path to a new future.

During the programme you’ll work through a design thinking process towards a new working life. Through the activities and online coaching the focus will be on:

  • Discovering what energises you, brings you hope and enables you to be wholehearted
  • Defining a new and preferred future for your work and life
  • Designing a realistic action plan towards a new future

Rebuilding Schools Nepal

In 2015 Helen co-founded Rebuilding Schools Nepal. Since then we've raised £30,000. Huge thanks to everyone who has supported. Their attentions are now on exploring how they can support health care provision with their partner charity Love Nepal.

Find out more here.

Coaching for Senior Leaders

  • Enhanced insight and self-awareness
  • Improved confidence and agency
  • Self reflection and learning about our linguistic, emotional and physiological responses to challenge and pressure
  • Enhanced possibility for taking effective action
  • Ongoing personal development through learning to ‘self coach’